Bread Without Yeast – Prepare Easily Delicious Bread at Your Home

Bread Without Yeast – Prepare Easily Delicious Bread at Your Home

Baking bread without yeast is possible; it does not need any fermentation and tastes as good as making bread with yeast. Although they both work as a leavening agent, yeast and baking soda are two very different things. Yeast is alive; it is a living organism. It eats the sugar in the dough and creates carbon dioxide which raises the bread. We first develop the gluten in the dough by kneading and folding. The protein strands then trap the yeast, produces CO2 inside, and rises the bread dough.

However, baking soda works completely in a different way. You will see that most baking soda bread recipes contain lemon juice, yogurt, milk or vinegar. This is necessary for baking soda to get into reaction. Pour some lemon juice on a tablespoon of baking soda and you will see it starts to form bubbles immediately. These carbon dioxide bubbles rise the bread when we substitute yeast with baking soda.

The best acid ingredient to activate the baking soda is the lemon juice. We add equal parts of baking soda and lemon juice and then use this mix as the leavening agent for our bread dough. Alternatively, yogurt or buttermilk can also be used as the acid ingredient.

Can You Replace Yeast with Baking Powder?

Baking powder is used as a leavening agent in some breads. It is a combination of acid and baking soda. Therefore, you don’t need to add any acid to activate it. You will get better results if you use double acting baking powder when replacing yeast. It gets activated twice; once when you mix it with other ingredients and then reacts again when heated in the oven. You can make delicious bread with baking powder. Some people like to refer to these types of bread as emergency bread since you don’t have to wait for fermentation. It is quick and delicious.

No Yeast No Rise Bread Recipe

I love this recipe since it does not contain any eggs inside. I like eggs but not in my bread. It is a great time saver when you are in a hurry and have no time to run to the store or start a regular yeast bread dough from scratch. This bread kind of resembles a bagel taste wise. Feel free to use regular flour since you are not going to knead the dough in order to develop gluten.


  • 480 gr wheat flour (4 cups)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar
  • 1 1/3 cups of milk (320 ml)


  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (176°C).
  • Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir well with a plastic spatula.
  • Add the milk and vinegar and continue to stir.
  • Dip your hands into flour package; this dough is a bit sticky. Fold the dough to the center for a minute or so by using your hands.
  • Dust your worksurface or countertop with flour. Transfer the dough from the bowl to the countertop. Form a ball.
  • Divide the dough into two equal parts.
  • Form them into a ball shape or any other form you prefer.
  • Score them deep with a sharp knife.
  • Put the scored bread dough loaves on to a parchment paper and then onto a rectangular tray.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until done.
  • Let them cool for 20 minutes before slicing.

This recipe will not develop a golden crust like an artisan bread. So, don’t overbake your bread and burn it. Expect a rustic, strong form and eat it fresh. I like dipping it in olive oil but you may prefer to spread butter while it is still warm!

What Kind ff Bread Has No Yeast in It?

Many traditional unleavened breads have no yeast in their recipe. They are actually still very popular in the Middle East and India. Chemically leavened breads, on the other hand, are produced by substituting yeast with baking powder. These are also called quick breads. The dough preparation takes almost as little as whipping an omelet. The famous banana bread is the perfect example for bread with no yeast.

How Does Bread Rise Without Yeast?

There are alternative methods to rise the bread without yeast. Baking soda is the most common one which is activated by an acid. You can also make pizza with this method. Baking soda is usually activated by vinegar, yogurt, milk or lemon juice and then gets into a reaction to produce carbon dioxide. This rises the bread dough without any yeast.

You can also make crusty bread by just combining water and flour. Natural bacteria will start to ferment and you will have the best bread baking leavening called the sourdough starter. It takes to 7 to 10 days to prepare this special leavening and it produces the tastiest bread ever with beautiful golden crust. This method is the oldest way of making bread, which dates back thousands of years. On the other hand, Biga is another method used by specialty Italian bakeries to rise the bread dough. It is similar to sourdough starter but much thicker and it needs to be kept fresh 24/7.

What Happens If You Don’t Put Yeast in Bread?

The bread will not rise if you don’t put yeast into it. If you are not going to use yeast then you need to substitute it with baking powder in order to make a leavened bread. However, you can get away with no yeast and baking powder if you are making traditional unleavened breads.

Which Is Healthier Yeast or Baking Powder?

Yeast is activated by a biological reaction; it is a living organism feeding on the sugars inside the dough. Conversely, baking powder is activated by chemical reaction. It usually contains two acids called SAPP (sodium acid pyrophosphate) and monocalcium phosphate. They are not harmful for your health. You should rather question the other ingredients you use with them. If you add too much butter and bake a way too sweet cake with baking powder, then which one should you blame; the baking powder or the fat and sugar? Baking powder could slightly be healthier only to those with stomach issues.

In Conclusion

Baking bread without yeast can be a good alternative when you are in a hurry. You can prepare a quick bread with baking soda and start to slice it within 45 minutes while only the initial proofing of regular yeast bread dough takes the same amount of time. Baking powder is the ultimate substitute when you are not using yeast.


Linda is doing her PhD in Engineering, while trying different bread recipes from all over the world. Pat likes to help and try out new recipes everyday. Anny likes to copy everything Pat does. We are the perfect team!

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