Lefse Your Favorite Potato Bread

Who doesn’t love potato bread? Lefse is a delicious potato bread that began as a crispy, dry easy to store cracker in Scandinavian countries.
Potatoes were incorporated many years ago, which brings us to the lefse we know and love today. It is very simple to make, though when you look at the equipment available just for making lefse, you might think otherwise. Making lefse has become a tradition passed down through generations as a way of remembering one’s roots. Your family will love this and enjoy participating in the process regardless of the time of year or your heritage.

You will need a griddle heated to 475*F and a turning stick or spatula depending on the size of your lefse rounds. We love moist lefse and therefore use a rolling pin covered with a cloth to roll out our very moist dough. We also use a cloth covered rolling surface coated with flour to prevent sticking, allowing our lefse to remain moist. Check you kitchen supply stores for the rolling pin and board cover.
20 medium potatoes, 10 white and 10 red
½ Cup cream
2/3 Cup butter
¼ Cup milk
2 Cups all purpose flour. Set aside another 2 ½ Cups of flour for rolling.
2 Tsp. salt
1 Tsp. baking powder
1/3 Cup sugar
Peel and cook potatoes in lightly salted boiling water until soft.
Drain and rice potatoes. Add milk, cream and butter. Gently mash to mix. Cover the bowl with a towel and cool at room temperature. Once cooled, move to the refrigerator until chilled.
Once chilled, add sifted dry ingredients and sugar.
Gently knead to mix. Sample the dough at this point and adjust to taste. Form 1/3 cup size balls if you have a stick for turning. Make much smaller rounds if you are using a spatula. Chill the lefse balls while heating the griddle and preparing the board.
Use the remaining 2 ½ cups of flour to keep your cloth covered board or counter space and cloth covered rolling pin well dusted while rolling your lefse. Begin by dusting the ball with flour before rolling. Roll out each chilled lefse ball until very thin by gently rolling with the covered rolling pin, gently lifting the lefse with the stick, turning the lefse over and rolling again. Dust the rolling surface as needed. This recipe will make about 30-35 1/3 cup rounds.

Continuing this tradition with our children creates fun holiday memories. My family loves fresh warm lefse with butter, sugar, and perhaps cinnamon, with fruit preserves or used as a sandwich wrap. Each bite of lefse brings back wonderful memories of family gatherings, great friendships, and laughter.
We hope you try this delicious yet simple potato bread. As always, you are welcome to contact us with any questions or to share your story. We would love to hear from you! Cheers!